I just want to say thank you. Every step of the way on this consolidation effort has been smoothed and improved with your advice. Your point of view is so helpful as it is expressed from 360 degrees. There is no substitute for intelligence, experience, and just plain kindness.
– D.G
Thank you, Sharon, for the time and expertise you shared with us this past Saturday,
Already, it has resulted in many good conversations as various individuals process what we heard and learned. Many board members expressed appreciation for the clarification of board roles and staff roles as well as new ways of thinking about the ways and values that can move us along in our development as a board. I have heard nothing but positive feedback about the retreat being valuable as a way to pull us all together.
Again, my deepest thanks.
D. Elizabeth (Betsey) Mauro, wssdv
Thank you – your efforts and dedication to this community give us heart.
I learn more and more with each session. Thank you.
The session was extremely helpful. In fact, I am going to re-watch it to pick up all the great info I missed jotting down.
I really enjoyed the program. Thank you for providing it and many thanks to Sharon for her presentation and wisdom agreed upon other areas where additional learning and expertise was required.
I am learning a tremendous amount from your sessions. Thank you!!
Hi Sharon,
I hope this finds you well. I wanted to fill you in on how Journey Found is doing since you “launched” us.
Monica helped us bring in over $100,000 last fiscal year more than meeting the projection in our plan for that year. We held this year’s gala on October 26th and brought in $92,500. The net exceeded last year’s gross!!!! (100% Board engagement).
Anyway, I don’t know how many people share their success stories with you following consultation but I wanted to let you know the impact you had here at Journey Found.
Have a marvelous Thanksgiving.
Tracey, Journey Found
On a scale of 1-3 (1 not satisfied: 2 neutral and 3 very satisfied), please tell us how satisfied were all with the sessions.
100% were “very satisfied” with a ranking of “3”
Was the information you received relevant and/or helpful?
- Very relevant, very helpful, especially in the post-Covid reality we are all in/facing
- Yes, being able to share information with or peers was just as helpful s the content that Sharon provided.
- The info was very helpful. I liked the opportunity to brainstorm an share with other ED’s
- Yes informative but also we were able to gain information and insight from each other
- Yes the information was great and very relevant because things are always changing.
What have you implemented at your agency as a result of what you gained?
- We are in discussion with the board about strategic planning and fundraising in the time of COVID.
- We implemented all precautionary measures others shared to welcome participants bac in the building. We also created a 6 month plan and have implemented different strategies to keep in touch with our donors.
- I am planning to do some financial scenario planning using the tools that were shared with us.
- Given the current situation with the pandemic, our agency has taken this time to explore strategic planning as well as new fundraising ideas.
- We are in the process of strategic planning and e are going to use some of the templates that were provided.
- Our biggest implementation revolves around fundraising and how we plan to prioritize different strategies, including virtual events.
- We are hosting “video chats to keep our donors updated and informed about what is happening at Bread for Life. That was a recommendation from Sharon. In addition, she shared great information about donors and that they are giving despite the pandemic which gave me confidence to move ahead with our annual campaign. Also we are undertaking a modified strategic plan based on recommendations from another session to plan out the end of this year and early in 2021.
- We are continuing to work on our donor list and website/Facebook page and what we have learned is that this is a full time job if you want the public to know you exist.
- I really enjoyed the financial session and have been using information used around scenario planning. There were many relevant topics on how to operate in our current environment. We are about to go through a strategic planning process so the session on strategic planning provided me with a lot of helpful information on what can be done before the strategic planning retreat with the full board. I also really enjoyed the session on fundraising. It was geared towards raising funds in this current environment.
- Non-profits must learn to leverage resources, staff and other things that we have in common and might be able to share across the board such as insurance, payroll, supplies, etc. What are the laws around these things? Can non-profits help to develop lines of credits with banks if done in a group setting? Many of us don’t have the leverage to do it on our own. Does these call for legislation to be in place and this is something our board can work on.
- Thank YOU and CFGNB for providing these opportunities for us. Truly wonderful!!!!
- Thank you CFGNB and thank you Sharon for all your time and support. It made a huge difference over the last few months.
- I enjoyed the sharing and learning and I think it is imperative for Executive Directors to get together maybe not monthly but at least six times a year would be GREAT!
- Thank you!
- These sessions were very valuable. Thank you
- The most important thing for me of these forum sessions is what I learned from other executive directors and also the camaraderie shared with this group. Of course, it was Sharon’s great facilitating that helped formulate this. But, I am very isolated right now since all meetings in the community are cancelled and our social interactions are so limited. It was so helpful for me to have this group to connect with and share with.
- I enjoyed the sharing and learning and I think it is imperative for Executive Directors to get together maybe not monthly but at least six times a year would be GREAT!
2020 ED Forum Feedback – Presented by, Community Foundation for Greater New Britain and Danosky & Associates
Your work in the Philanthropic world is critical to making the World a better place. ~Noel Hord, Hord Foundation
Review from a LEAP participant, December 2014
Dear Sharon,
I’d like to thank you and the team from Danosky & Associates for the opportunity you provided through the LEAP program. You, Larry, Christine, and Peter did a terrific job establishing a positive environment for the participants to learn from one another. You are all wonderful mentors. I look forward to taking some time to reflect on what I learned and to come up with a plan to effectively implement it at the library and other organizations I am involved with. I hope you have a happy holiday season. See you in June!
~Kim J.
The best presentation I have attended in 14 years. She’s no nonsense, gives practical tips and materials you can put to work immediately. We will probably be in touch with an idea we discussed, my Board Chair was with me. Thanks again,
~Deb Tanner, Executive Director of Southern Rhode Island Volunteers
I thank Sharon for her talent for stimulating such rich conversation.
~Annie M. Scott, Director of Information Technologies at Middlesex Community College.
I just wanted to say that you caused me to examine my budget in an entirely new way, and I cannot wait to share it with the board. You have also sharpened my priorities as far as grant writing goes, providing the ‘income’ for specific programs. I wish your presentation had not been so late in the day, as it was some highly complex metrics to absorb. VERY informative and well worth the time. Thank you.
— Cynthia Stead, Executive Director of Sight Loss Services, South Dennis, MA.
Excellent presentation, the proof in in the pudding. Best regards,
~Suzanne M Downing
Thank you for the wonderful opportunity of participating in the Executive Director Form program. It has been enriching, informative, and motivational. This last session, despite the challenges, has helped me feel connected to this fabulous group of executive directors at a time when we have all been isolated. I can’t fully express how helpful it was for me to be connected with this great group of people during these incredibly isolating times. To know that other professionals like me were going through similar situations and having similar experiences and feelings really helped with my mental wellbeing to know that I was not going through things alone. And through it all, Sharon’s encouragement was like a balm on some really difficult days during the pandemic.
~ Donna Ayer, Executive Director of Southington Bread for Life
Thank you so much for sharing this information. The presentation was excellent. We are in the process of putting together our first annual appeal and the information learned is going to be very helpful.
~Maria F. Harlow, Executive Director of Spanish Community of Harlow
I highly recommend Sharon Danosky, president of Danosky & Associates. Since 2008, Sharon has been the Executive Director of The Land Trust of Danbury reporting to the President of the organization. For much of that time and until the end of September 2010, I served on the Board of Directors of The Land Trust and as Chairman of the Community Relations Committee. During my time with The Land Trust I was impressed with the way Sharon helped shape a more professional organization. She guided the organization through establishment of a strategic plan, formal governance policies and procedures, and criteria for selection or rejection of properties presented as candidates for conservation. At the time of this writing, she was also in the process of implementing a web-based program to catalog The Land Trust’s properties to facilitate both land management and stewardship. If you are seeking a consultant to help manage your not-for-profit organization, you should consider Sharon and Danosky & Associates.
~Gary W. Gillum, President of Gr8 Marcomm Marketing and Communications
The results are the final reward for all of us who took a deep breath and followed Sharon’s lead down a totally new Breakfast Path. The Breakfast planning process was very challenging but a very interesting learning experience as we had to completely re-vamp the format. Sometimes that felt strange and uncomfortable but Sharon was there to reassure us every time, and she was right!!! This year’s Breakfast has renewed our confidence in our ability to find a way to keep Interlude thriving, despite the odds! Personally, I am grateful to have had the opportunity to be so closely involved and to have shared the experience with you.
~Rachel Riermersma, Interlude
Once again, you’re having a profound impact on my professional career. From getting me started in the field to educating board chairs and volunteers about the importance and value that my new position brings. I’ll be sure to recognize you and Danosky & Associates… and continue to spread the word about your great work.
~Peter Roche, JDRF
Feeding South Florida, a not for profit organization, empowers other South Florida Not-for-profit organizations to feed needy people and improve their lives. We do this by providing food and other grocery products: and by educating and engaging our community to fight hunger and poverty.
It is the South Florida affiliate of Feeding America, a member of the Florida Association of Food Banks and the largest food bank in the State of Florida.
“Everyone with whom you have worked — on the Board, the Staff, from our sister food banks, and with the Anthony Abraham Foundation — have greatly appreciated your very capable assistance, have learned much from you, and have greatly enjoyed working with you. That certainly goes for me, personally. You came to us at a time when we were stymied and had failed to find anyone to help us move forward. Your experience, encouragement, your gentle and kind, but unremitting guidance, and your genuine sharing of our passion for this cause, all combined to help us make the extraordinary strides we have made to date, which in turn resulted in the recognition by our national organization and their commitment to jump in and offer such broad ranging assistance.”
Bruce Berman, Chairman of the Board, Feeding South Florida

Ridgefield Visiting Nurse Association is a private, nonprofit organization. Founded in 1914, the RVNA is governed by a volunteer board of directors. A staff of 55 provides a wide range of home health and community-based wellness services to the residents of the Greater Ridgefield, CT areas.
While the medical field continues to become more sophisticated and high-tech, one simple philosophy has not changed at the RVNA – the patient comes first. RVNA staff members bring a high level of professional competence to patients and their families. RVNA nurses and therapists have an average of 21 years of experience in their fields. Certified health aides have an average of 11 years of experience providing home health care.
“Working with Sharon (Danosky & Associates) has provided me with the training and insight needed to better understand how to improve fundraising, as well as understand the best ways to determine lapsed donors and engage them. She has provided me with knowledge that I will use for a lifetime! In a clear and direct pattern, she has helped our Board of Directors become more engaged in their role of development. As the development director, Sharon has provided me with the tools to focus my energy for the greatest good for our agency. Our appeal funds have increased with her direction, our knowledge of our top donors and lapsed donors is enhanced, and we have a roadmap for where to go throughout the year to best achieve our development goals. Thank you, Sharon!!“
Lynne Briody, Director of Development, non-profit health care agency

Richmond Community Services strives to raise funds for programs that will enhance the lives of people with intellectual and physical disabilities. In January of 2008, Richmond hired Sharon Danosky to assist the Director of Marketing and Development and the President/C EO with improving its fundraising program. Sharon’s 30 plus years of fundraising experience, her knowledge and expertise in the field has been invaluable to us. Sharon helped us develop effective fundraising strategies, she worked with us in analyzing our donor base, and continues to assist us in building the infrastructure necessary for success. She has designed a major gifts moves program to ensure donors renew or upgrade their annual gifts. Sharon provided our board of directors with exceptional training in how to bring in the big bucks. Thanks to Sharon’s support, Richmond raised 10% more revenue in 2008 than 2007, even in a down turning economy.
As the Director of Marketing and Development, with 10 plus years of fundraising experience, an MBA, CFRE, and a professional certificate in fundraising from NYU, I have personally learned a great deal from Sharon in just one year. Having Sharon as a mentor is a privilege. Working with her is a pleasure. Sharon’s strong practical fundraising experience helps a non-profit organization, such as Richmond, with achieving great success with its marketing and development efforts.
“Sharon’s strong practical fundraising experience helps a non-profit organization, such as Richmond, with achieving great success with its marketing and development efforts. Thanks to Sharon’s support, Richmond raised 10% more revenue in 2008 than 2007, even in a down turning economy.”
Paula Barbag, Director of Marketing and Development, Richmond Community Services Foundation

The Hord Foundation was established in January 1993 by Noel and Cora E. Hord. The purpose of the foundation is to promote education and enhance career opportunities of young minority people by providing post secondary school scholarships or other financial assistance for educational purposes. The Foundation is a 501(c) (3) Non-Profit Organization. It’s missions is since its founding, to provide higher education financial assistance to deserving and qualified African Americans.
“I have known Sharon Danosky since early 2000. The Hord Foundation recruited and hired Sharon to direct us in our Fund Rasing efforts. Her assignment was to help us think and plan more strategically and help us tactically in implementing our strategies. Sharon did an outstanding job. She did not work with us as a Consultant, but rather as an integral part of our team. With her expertise, guidance, and passion, each year we continued to increase our Fund raising. She became such an important part of out team, that in 2007 we ask her to join our Board of Trustees and she graciously accepted. I believe her Company and Services would be a true Asset to any Philanthropic Organization.”
Noel Hord, Founder Horde Foundation

Ability Beyond Disability, not for profit organization, was founded in 1953 by a group of parents who wanted a better life for their children with disabilities. Throughout its long history as a provider of innovative services for people who are among the most disenfranchised and disadvantaged in our society, Ability Beyond Disability has spearheaded new initiatives and pilot programs in Connecticut and New York. It’s mission is to enable individuals whose independent living skills are impaired by disability, illness or injury, to achieve and maintain self-reliance, fulfillment and comfort at home, at work and in the community, by providing the best comprehensive home, health and rehabilitation services.
“Sharon is a true fund raising “professional”. She not only understands philanthropy and fund raising strategies and tactics, she understands how to motivate people, whether donors or Board members. I know of no one better able to assist non profit organizations in the art of fund raising.”
Thomas H. Fanning, President & CEO, Ability Beyond Disability
George Mulvaney, Mulvaney Mechanical Inc. is a full range mechanical contracting company, installing various types of HVAC, exhaust, process piping, plumbing, heating and fire protection systems. They work directly for many industrial, commercial and institutional firms. Mulvaney Mechanical Inc. was established in 1981 and has successfully completed many projects involving sophisticated mechanical systems. They take pride in having a reputation for quality work.
George is an active philanthropist in the community and serves on numerous boards, including Regional Hospice, the RVNA and Ability Beyond Disability.
“Sharon is the most energetic and truly the best Development person that I have ever been associated with. Besides being great at her profession she is a wonderful person. I have previously recommended her to other agencies and am honored to do so again.“
George Mulvaney, President, Mulvaney Mechanical Inc.,
Member of the board of directors of Regional Hospice, Ability Beyond Disability and Ridgefield Visiting Nurse Association
Kingston Auction Company provides state-of-the-art auctioneering to maximize your fundraising efforts. Specializing in benefit auctions since 1986, we have raised millions of dollars for nonprofits across the United States. Our philosophy is to assist each organization to design a dynamic climate for giving that is exciting and profitable. Long before the gavel is raised, we serve as your organization’s strategic partner, helping you leverage your benefit auction to meet fundraising needs today and into the future.
“Sharon Danosky is amazing! As one of the top fundraising professionals with whom I have ever worked, her incredible experience, insights and strategies empower her clients, workshop participants and colleagues. In addition, Sharon’s zeal for non profit causes shines.”
Kathy Kingston; Owner, Kingston Auction Company

Sherman Chamber Ensemble – The key aim of the Sherman Chamber Ensemble is to foster a sense of closeness between performers and audience that enhances the feeling of community and facilitates a deeper musical experience. To that end, SCE’s summer concerts in Sherman take place in the serene setting and excellent acoustics of the Mauweehoo Clubhouse overlooking Lake Mauweehoo.
“Sharon Danosky was critically important to the Sherman Chamber Ensemble in helping us to define our role or mission. The process that she led us through ended with revelations that surprised us all. After our experience with her, we had clearer insights into what we wanted to accomplish, and set about to significantly broaden our activities. She then worked with us to improve the professionalism of our fund raising efforts. With her help, we have been much more successful in raising funds to meet our enhanced goals.”
Kent Lawson, President, Sherman Chamber Ensemble, Sherman, CT

Suzanne Douglas Harris LLC. – Suzanne Douglas Harris brings a distinctive blend of expertise, solid experience, and personal empathy to her practice. She maintains a well-honed, real world perspective based on a comprehensive background of corporate, consulting and academic experience
“A fresh approach to fundraising — positive attitude, creative problem solving — great judge of people … It’s always a plus for me when I can introduce Sharon to one of my clients. In fact, that is probably what Sharon does best….move cleverly but unobtrusively to make others shine!”
Suzanne Douglas Harris; Principal, Suzanne Douglas Harris, LLC.